Tyler has a love of marketing and co-founded clearmotive marketing in 2007. With offices in Calgary and Toronto Tyler’s goal was to build a marketing-first agency focused on better connecting clients to their customers. In a wide ranging conversation the boys talk to Tyler about his experiences of pivoting his business during COVID, the changing world of work, his experiences with the RCAF Snowbirds display team and he and Ken’s canoeing escapade.
Tyler also hosts two podcasts, They Just Get It and Collisions YYC, https://www.theyjustgetit.ca & https://www.collisionsyyc.com. Tyler brings a voice to advocates, challengers and thought leaders to inspire lively dialogue and bold actions towards creating a better Calgary.
Ready for the next step in your difficult conversations? You can buy the book on Amazon now.
I Need To F***ing Talk To You! | The Art of Navigating Difficult Workplace Conversations – Amazon | Owl’s Nest Books| Shelf Life Books