Culture Shifting Programs
Ordinary sucks. You know it. I know it. Your people know it. Now you don’t put up with it anymore. Here are three ways you can start your journey to becoming extraordinary.
The SHIFT Program
What the F@#% Is Going On: More importantly, how do you fix it?
High performing organizations know the easiest way to transform the ordinary is through your corporate culture. But maybe you think culture is mysterious and amorphous. So you let your most valuable asset evolve by chance. Now you don’t have to.
The Future is Coming
What the F@#% is Going To Happen Next: Forecasting uncertain times
Let’s face it. Between COVID-19, collapsing oil prices, the World Health Organization under investigation, things are kind of f*cked. If you’re not actively anticipating the future and adapting with a rolling strategic plan, you’re already behind.
Managing the UNmanageable
I Need to F@#%ing Talk To You: The art of managing difficult conversations
When your team is under performing, sometimes you just need to ‘have the talk. But no one likes having these challenging conversations. No one. Register for a web-delivered workshop that will help you and your team confidence.
What People are Saying
I recently attended two webinars hosted by Ken Cameron and Russell Stratton. I can’t say enough about the value of these webinars!
The content covered and the useful tools and takeaways they provide in an action-packed hour, have provided me with some of the most relevant and insightful applications, I have come across in quite some time.
Their content is accessible and applicable to any industry and is always professionally delivered; and their unconventional wisdom and approach to business—whether it’s how to deal with navigating difficult workplace conversations or future forecasting in these difficult post COVID times—is fantastic.
I am looking forward to subsequent webinars and can’t wait to have an opportunity to participate in their full-day seminars. As well, I have already purchased some of their fantastic support materials. I highly recommend Corporate Culture Shift and Bluegem Learning and Development’s collaborative leadership and management training!
Cheralyn Doell, BA Co-Founder of S3 Optimization
Do you prefer to learn on your own?
Start right now by pre-ordering your copy of our new book, I Need to F@#%ing Talk to You: The Art of Managing Difficult Conversations. It outlines all the techniques we use in our Managing the UnManageable workshops so you can tackle the ordinary immediately.
Release date — Autumn 2020.
Pre-order now and get a FREE advance book.