I Need to F***ing Talk To You
Let’s get one thing straight off the top “I need to f***ing talk to you”, is a bad way to start any conversation, let alone one with a co-worker.
So why is this commonly happening in the workplace? Usually, it’s because some issue has been festering for weeks or months. Too many managers approach a conversation in which they must challenge difficult behaviour with a lot of trepidation. The result is we aren’t direct, we beat around the bush, or we ignore and let unproductive behaviour go unchallenged until we can’t take it anymore and we just f***ing lose it.
If this sounds like your team, they can do better, and you know it.
Role-playing that doesn’t suck
Because this time we bring in live actors
Also, most communication courses use role-play to reinforce their instruction. Role-play sucks. You hate it. No one takes it seriously. Your people just want to get it over with so they take it easy on each other. That’s not good enough, and you know it.
We hire a live actor to play your difficult employee, teammate or customer. Our actors don’t let your people off the hook. They make your people dig deep to get results. We customize a scenario based on an interview with you so that it sounds and feels like real life. And we prep your team with simple tools they can remember under stress. Because it will be stressful. But it will also be fun, memorable and safe.
Your Return on Investment
Fun, memorable, and safe
It’s as close to the real thing as it’s possible to get without having the real person in the room with you. Because if they’re going to make mistakes (and they will) its better they do it in a safe environment where no one gets sued.
That’s why it sticks long after we’re gone, making sure you get a return on your investment.
Half-day workshop: $3,500
Full-day workshop: $5,500
What People are Saying
“We have presented two very effective and interactive workshops with our organization. Their comedic and engaging presentation style in the ‘I Need to F***ing Talk To You’ workshop has left a lasting impression on our staff. I highly recommend this workshop if you are looking for a valuable, cost-effective customer service training option.”—Jeff Gerestein, City of Brooks
“Corporate Culture SHIFT’s engaging and informative session at our 2017 Foreman’s workshop proved to be a huge success. The role-playing of scenarios presented our leadership group with the opportunity to both engage in and/or observe as close to real-life situations as possible when managing employee performance. I strongly recommend this style of leadership training for any organization looking to provide their leadership group with skills, tools and information when it comes to managing employee performance.”—Dean Jetten, Volker Stevin

Do you prefer to learn on your own?
Start right now by ordering your copy of our new book, I Need to F***ing Talk to You: The Art of Managing Difficult Conversations. It outlines all the techniques we use in our I Need to F***ing Talk To You workshops so you can tackle the ordinary immediately.
$25 | Available now on Amazon